Friday, August 30, 2013

Online Registration Info!

alrighty then. online registration begins now. please navigate to Burnin Registration to sign up for the tenth edition of Burnin at the Bluff. it will be $70 to sign up until october 6th when it will go up to $90. there will be onsite registration up until the race starts at the $90 rate. we will have chip timing again.  the buckles are being made. are you ready to burn?

registration help: there should be a "team captain" to sign their team up. that person will pay all the fees and enter all the rider infos.

p.s.- team seagal has dropped the "special" team unit on the bluff  this weekend. they are grooming the trail for maximum shredding. whoa.

p.p.s. - Single sites are $10 up to 2 cars, double are $20 up to 4 cars, group are $25 for up to 25 people, $50 for up to 50 and 75 for up to 75 (cars have to fit on the site). Extra cars are $4. Wood is $5, ice is $2. Showers are brand new and AWESOME! they are at the beach and should be open late.

it's all stacking up to be an unbelievable weekend. be there.